Decision session


Executive Member for Transport


28 September 2022

Report of the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning


Acknowledgement of Petitions



1.   The purpose of this paper is to acknowledge and address a number of petitions that have been submitted to Highways and Transport.

2.   The petitions are as follows:

-      Speed calming measures on New Lane, Holgate;

-      Thirkleby Way / Farndale Avenue Highway condition;

-      Survey petition of residents on Westerdale Court, Rosslyn Street, Grove View and Compton Street regarding residents parking;

-      Residents of Stockton on the Forest and Hopgrove seeking a new footpath and road safety improvements in their area;

-      Petition for Road Resurfacing of the Village’ Earswick and the Cul-de-Sacs of Shilton Garth Close and Stabler’s Walk;

-      Residents of Huntington Road area, seeking consultation on the introduction of a ResPark zone in their street

-      Residents of Dodsworth Avenue, seeking consultation on the introduction of a ResPark zone in their street;

-      Residents of Harcourt street area asking the council to investigate options to create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in their area;

3.   The progress in terms of work on each petition varies depending on what has already been in train and what has been initiated in response to the petition.


4.   The Executive Member is asked to note the receipt of the petitions and to review the recommendations against each petition below:

(i)  Speed calming measures on New Lane, Holgate

The Executive Member to note progress on speed management


To note progress on the speed management scheme, which is moving into consultation on options. To note a decision on the implementation of the option will be brought to an Executive Member for Transport decision session later this year.


(ii) Thirkleby Way / Farndale Avenue Highway condition


To note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. A discussion will be had with the Ward Councillors to consider resolution, through Ward funding, if possible. The condition will be subject to the annual highway maintenance review and if the circumstances change an intervention will be appropriately prioritised;


(iii)       Petition from Compton Street, Grove View & Rosslyn Street Residents for Residents Parking scheme in their area


Approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


(iv)       Residents of Stockton on the Forest and Hopgrove seeking a new footpath and road safety improvements in their area


To note that engagement will be undertaken with Ward Councillors to scope out the detail of the request and look to work into the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure plan and the safety elements in the Transport capital programme in 2023/2024.


(v)  Petition for Road Resurfacing of the Village’ Earswick and the Cul-de-Sacs of Shilton Garth Close and Stabler’s Walk


To note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. A discussion will be had with the Ward Councillors to consider resolution, through Ward funding, if possible. The condition will be subject to the annual highway maintenance review and if the circumstances change an intervention will be appropriately prioritised;


(vi)       Petition from Huntington Road Area Residents


Approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


(vii)     Petition from Dodsworth Avenue Residents


Approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


(viii)    Residents of Harcourt street area asking the council to investigate options to create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in their area


To approve the approach to engage with Ward Councillors to discuss options to fund an initial options development piece. To approve the development of an approach to the delivery of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods to be brought back to a decision session next calendar year.



To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.




5.   A number of petitions have been submitted to the Council within the scope of the portfolio of the Executive Member of Transport since the full council meeting in April. A summary of each petition is shown in Annex A. In some cases there is ongoing or related work and this is referred to in the report.  


6.   Some of the petitions are requests related to maintenance of the Highway. The prioritisation of Highway Maintenance is subject to an annual condition survey and along with other factors provide a ranking for each street in terms of intervention. The highest ranked streets are then prioritised for the limited funding available for Highway maintenance. It is possible that maintenance hasn’t been undertaken on a particular street because it does not rank high enough. There is a risk that initial analysis of the petition leads to the same conclusion that the street is not high enough priority for an intervention, however, in each case there will be a commitment to discuss further with Ward councillors.


7.   Requests for resident parking have increased in the last 2-3 years. 14 requests have been taken to a conclusion and 3 further areas awaiting to be implemented in the coming months. This increase in demand has resulted in a reduction in the waiting list for investigating new requests. The process and likely timescales for investigating and implementing a scheme is also outlined on the waiting list in Annex B. Each request will be investigated in the order the request was made, except in unusual circumstances or where 2 or more requests are adjacent to one another and can be taken forward as one.


8.   In addition, depending on circumstances at the time, the extent of the consultation area may be extended beyond the area the petition came from. However, if this is done we would still respect the majority view of residents in the extended area before recommending to take a scheme forward or not for those residents.


Speed Calming measures on New Lane, Acomb


9.   The petition was for “Speed calming measures” on New Lane in Acomb. Annex C shows the location. A speed management scheme is already existing on the Transport capital programme for 22/23 for New Lane in Acomb. The evidence has been pulled together to look at the feasibility of various options and the initial recommendation is a signage solution. However, given the strength of feeling expressed in the petition, as the work enters design (which includes consultation), a number of options will be presented for comment.


10.        The consultation be brought forward to ensure that the petition is taken into consideration along with further comments on the design from Ward Councillors and residents. The options will then be brought back to the Executive Member Decision Session later this year for decision.




Thirkleby Way / Farndale Avenue Highway condition


11.        The petition requests that the Council addresses the condition of Thirkleby Way/Farndale Avenue in Osbaldwick because of concerns around safety. Annex D (I and ii) shows the area in question.


12.         The annual condition survey in 2021 and 2022 has graded the carriageway as 3 (Midlife) and was ranked 194th in the unclassified bituminous network.  Unfortunately the ranking was insufficient to be included into this year’s programme.


13.         Further discussion will be had with Ward councillors to identify any further evidence for consideration in prioritisation and whether a scheme can be achieved through Ward funding.


Residents of Stockton on the Forest and Hopgrove seeking a new footpath and of road safety improvements in their area


14.        Residents have brought forward a petition seeking to have a new footpath and road safety improvements implemented in their area. It is proposed that these are considered as part of the development of the Local Cycling and Walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) and as a potential safety scheme in the 2023/2024 Transport capital programme. The LCWIP is currently in development and it is expected that a draft will be ready in the Spring of 2023.


Petition from Compton Street, Grove View & Rosslyn Street Residents


15.        There are 16 responses within the petition requesting that the streets becomes residents parking zone. Annex E is a plan showing the location and existing residents parking zones. It is suggested that consideration be given to expanding an existing residents parking zone to include these streets when consultation takes place. We currently have 6 areas on the waiting list (including this area) and this area is currently fourth on the waiting list


Petition from Huntington Road Area Residents


16.        There are 26 signatures on the petition requesting that Ashville Street, Kitchener Street and Oakville Street become residents parking zone. Annex F is a plan showing the location and existing residents parking zones. We currently have 6 areas on the waiting list (including this area) and this area is currently fifth on the waiting list.


Petition from Dodsworth Avenue Residents


17.        There are 29 signatures on the petition requesting that the streets becomes residents parking zone. Annex G is a plan showing the location and existing residents parking zones.  It is suggested that consideration be given to expanding an existing residents parking zone to include Dodsworth Avenue plus any others in the immediate area if thought appropriate when consultation takes place. We currently have 6 areas on the waiting list (including this area) and this area is currently sixth on the waiting list.


Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN)


Closure of Harcourt street to create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood


18.        There are 21 signatures on this petition. The petition asks the Council to investigate options to close Harcourt Street to create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN). The area is shown in Annex H.


19.        In June 2020 the Executive Member for Transport approved a trial of a LTN in the Groves. At the successful conclusion of the trial the LTN was made permanent at a meeting of the Executive in January 2022.


20.        Although the development of the proposals for an LTN in the Groves was more complex than the proposed, it is still anticipated that the development of options will be an undertaking that will be beyond the capacity within the Highways regulations team. It is therefore proposed a route to funding project management capacity is discussed with Ward Councillors and once in place the work is properly scoped and the impacts on the neighbouring streets are considered.


21.        More widely, a report will be brought to an Executive Member decision session in the next calendar year to discuss  an approach to this type of scheme.



Council Plan


22.        This report is supportive of the following priorities in the Council Plan which focuses on key outcomes that include:

·               Good health and wellbeing

·               Getting around sustainably and

·               A greener and cleaner City of York Council safe communities and culture for all.



23.        There are no immediate financial implications associated with any of the proposed responses to the petitions. It is anticipated that where resources may be required these will be met from existing budget allocations.


Human Resources (HR)

24.        There are no implications around the decisions in this report.


25.        The implementation in due course of the various proposals/schemes referred to above may have implications from a legal perspective, such as the need to make Orders pursuant to the Council’s statutory powers pursuant to statutory process(es).




26.        The Council recognises its Public Sector Equality Duty under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct; advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it in the exercise of a public authority’s functions). Equalities Impact assessments will be carried out where work is taken forward on schemes as a result of this paper.


Crime and Disorder

27.        There are no implications around the decisions in this report.

Information Technology (IT)

28.        There are no implications around the decisions in this report.


29.        There are no implications around the decisions in this report.


30.        There are no other implications identified.


Risk Management



31.        The risks associated with the delivery of the outcomes of this report with respect to responding to petitions will be managed in each individual projects.

Contact Details



Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Dave Atkinson

Head of Highways and Transport,

Highways and Transport




James Gilchrist

Director of Transport, Planning and Environment


Report Approved





Specialist Implications Officer(s)  List information for all


Financial Implications

Jayne Close

Principal Accountant


Legal Implications

Gerard Allen

Senior Lawyer


Wards Affected:  All wards




For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers: N/A



DfT – Department for Transport

LTN – Low Traffic Neighbourhood

LCWIP – Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure plan




Annex A: Petitions summary

Annex B: Resident parking list

Annex C: New Lane, Acomb

Annex Di: Thirkleby Way, Osbaldwick

Annex Dii: Farndale Avenue, Osbaldwick

Annex E: Petition from Compton Street, Grove View and Rosslyn Street Area Residents

Annex F: Petition from Huntington Road Area Residents

Annex G: Petition from Dodsworth Avenue Residents

Annex H: Harcourt street